Juan & Olivia

We have a true passion for performance.

This is how we stay focused.  At Fire Run Farm, we celebrate the many unique and personal interpretations of focus and discipline in riding for horses and rider’s horsemanship – and the special connections and bonds we share with our horses.

At left, Fire Run trainers Juan Gonzales & Olyvia O’Brien

Juan Pablo Gonzales

Juan Pablo Gonzales


Juan came to Fire Run Farm in 1996 at just 16 years of age. He has worked along side many great trainers here, and has become one of the most talented and loved members of the Fire Run team. His expertise is widespread, from foaling out all of the mares, to starting youngsters, and putting the finishing touches on the show horses. We consider Juan to be an extremely integral part of Fire Run, but even more than that, Juan is family! His lovely wife, Consuelo, and three handsome sons—Rafel, Julian and Juan Sebastian, brighten his life and ours, too.

Olyvia O’Brien

Olyvia O’Brien


Olyvia is an east coast transplant to the pacific northwest, having come to Fire Run Farm via stints at both Taylor River Farm, and Great Island Riding Academy in Falls River, NH. Originally from Plymouth, Massachusetts, Olyvia is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, and has enjoyed many victory passes during her junior exhibitor years with her beautiful mare, Deliver The Dream GCH. Olyvia is not the only family member with horsey tendencies, as her sister, Michelle Quinlisk, is also an avid horsewoman with an enviable show record. Olyvia enjoys downhill skiing when she’s not in the barn.

Kurt & Teri Rumens

Kurt & Teri Rumens

Owners, Fire Run Farm

Kurt & Teri Rumens first opened Fire Run Farm in 1996 as a private Morgan breeding farm and show facility for their family and a few select clients. They always imagined opening up the facility to new families, and sharing their love of Morgans with others, but it was not until their children became adults, and started their own lives, that they came face-to-face with what to do about the future of the farm.

The Rumens have always had the elite facility and the beautiful horses. Now, expanding to the public, they have the ability to bring fresh faces not only to the farm, but into the Morgan arena.